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                Welcome in SHAOXING Echem CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Official website!Favorites|Contact|Chinese|English

                Current position:Home > Service

                Echem has an independent laboratory equipped with various advanced testing instruments and analytical testing equipment. Such as capillary gas chromatograph, high performance liquid chromatograph, infrared spectrophotometer, ultraviolet spectrophotometer, circulating vacuum pump, thermal balance, electric stirring instrument, microwave instrument, melting point tester, PH tester, etc.
                R & D personnel
                With several Ph.Ds and masters with long-term experience in overseas research institutions as the core technology, senior R&D personnel from Zhejiang University, East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai Medical Research Institute respectively serve as project team leaders, and masters graduated from prestigious universities serve as the basis for the technical team Power, we can proudly claim that we have the best technical team, and our R&D capabilities can be trusted by customers!
                Production capacity
                Our company has more than 50,000 square meters of cooperative production site, with nearly 100 reactors ranging from 50 liters to 5,000 liters, and is routinely equipped with high-pressure equipment, hydrogenation equipment, format reaction equipment, high-temperature reaction equipment, low-temperature reaction equipment, and high-efficiency separation equipment. Etc., more than 100 high-quality workers and production management personnel produce in strict accordance with international standards and comply with GMP standard operating procedures.
                Cooperative agency
                Shanghai Pharmaceutical Industry Research Institute (the central institution of China's drug research and development, has the most complete research strength and equipment for medical research and development in China, and a large number of pharmaceutical patents make it enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad)
                East China University of Science and Technology (a national key university with complete experimental equipment and strong scientific research capabilities. The shareholders have a deep relationship with the school and are the company’s strong technical backing)
                Zhejiang University (a national key university, relying on the faculty and experimental center of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Department of Chemistry, and the Institute of Polymer Materials to provide the company with the greatest cooperation convenience)
                Central South University (a national key university with complete experimental equipment and strong scientific research capabilities. The company’s technical consultant comes from the school’s School of Pharmacy, providing strong technical support for the company)