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                Welcome in SHAOXING Echem CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Official website!Favorites|Contact|Chinese|English

                Current position:Home > Recruitment

                Do everything possible to broaden the road of "talent"
                     Recruitment and selection are the bottlenecks that restrict the efficiency of enterprise human resource management. How to put the outstanding talents and required manpower in the right positions at the right time in accordance with the business goals and business requirements of the company and under the guidance of human resource planning is one of the keys to the success of the company.
                1. Open recruitment, select the best
                In the recruitment process, the human resources department always adheres to the principles of open recruitment, equal competition, and internal first and then external. Every year, the Human Resources Department comprehensively analyzes factors such as company development, internal employee flow (loss), and competitors' talent policies, conducts a comprehensive review of the human resource demand forecasts of various departments, and formulates the company's annual human resource demand plan.
                At present, recruitment channels mainly include internal competition, internal selection, employee recommendation, media recruitment, introduction, recruitment fairs, campus recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting company recruitment, etc. Recruitment has to pass four barriers: the written test of the human resources department (on the computer) Operation), interviews, professional qualifications of the employing department, and audits of company leaders to ensure that every employee who enters Houqing is the most suitable talent for enterprise development.
                2. Internal selection and fair competition
                      In order to fully explore internal talents, in line with the principle of fair and open competition, when a position is vacant, the company will first publish a competition announcement on the company's internal system and company bulletin board, and will also mobilize through various other channels. Secondly, hold competitive speeches, on-site defense meetings, etc. After the competition is over, the evaluation team will conduct evaluation and scoring based on the interview evaluation indicators and related records, combined with the usual work performance of the competing staff, and determine the candidate for the position after calculating the comprehensive ranking, and report the result to the company's leadership for decision. Finally, the human resources department summarized the entire competition activity and continuously improved the competition plan.
                3. Target training and reserve talents
                      As the company continues to grow and develop, the talent pool becomes increasingly important. Since 2006, the company has carried out the selection and training activities of reserve talents and technical backbones, conducted surveys on the use of personnel, and conducted interviews with general managers, department heads and individual employees of each center to understand their development potential, work ability, professionalism and other content. And pointed out its shortcomings, and at the same time appoint a special person to coach and improve.
                The main training methods are: management grades will conduct training, rotation, and training according to different levels to continuously improve their professional quality and leadership; professional grades, the company will provide professional training or further education opportunities in a planned way.